BOYSEN® Plasolux Glazing Putty #311 is an alkyd-type product specially prepared for filling minor surface unevenness on enamel-painted wood.
PRINCIPAL USES: For filling minor surface dents and imperfections on wood.
Full Putty – 10-12 square meter / 4 liters / coat
Spot putty – 25 square meter / 4 liters / coat
SURFACE DRY: 4-5 hours
DRY THROUGH: Overnight
OVERCOATING INTERVAL: Allow two hours before recoating
THINNING: BOYSEN® Paint Thinner #0340 if necessary
APPLICATION: a putty knife
PACKAGING: 4-liter and 1-liter cans
1st Coat: BOYSEN® Flatwall Enamel White #800
Putty: BOYSEN® Plasolux Glazing Putty #311
2nd & 3rd coat: BOYSEN® Quick Drying Enamel (any desired color),
BOYSEN® Semi-Gloss Enamel #200, or BOYSEN® Flatwall Enamel White #800
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