BOYSEN® Lacquer Spot Putty #306 is a high quality, nitrocellulose-based, lacquer type putty for wood specially formulated for easy application and sanding.
PRINCIPAL USES: For interior wood surfaces
Spot putty – 25 square meter / 4 liters
Full putty – 12 square meter / 4 liters
SURFACE DRY: 5-10 minutes
DRY THROUGH: One (1) hour
OVERCOATING INTERVAL: Recoat after 30 minutes
APPLICATION: Putty knife
THINNING: Apply as is. If necessary, use BOYSEN® Lacquer Thinner #50
PACKAGING: 4 liter and 1 liter cans
New wood surfaces:
1st coat: BOYSEN® Lacquer Primer Surfacer #305
2nd coat: BOYSEN® Lacquer Spot Putty #306
3rd coat: BOYSEN® Lacquer Primer Surfacer #305
Final coat: BOYSEN® Automotive Lacquer #1300 in required coats
Old finish in bad condition should be stripped. BOYSEN® Paint and Varnish Remover #141 can be used to totally remove the finish.
If old lacquer finish is in good condition, sand surface. Make sure to clean and dry before coating with BOYSEN® Automotive Lacquer #1300.
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